Life on the Bluff

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Ben's Birthday Adventure

Ben chose Sylvan Heights Bird Park as his 6th birthday adventure day. Normally it’s just me and the birthday boy but he wanted Grandpa to join us and since this was a 2 hour drive and would be an all day adventure, of course we would include him!

Funniest two parts of the day without a doubt was when he saw the welcome to North Carolina sign and his sheer shock that we were leaving Virginia. He kept saying under his breath “no one told me we were going to NC” and the second moment was as we were driving down 95 headed home all of a sudden he yells out “We’ve got the Beef”. Nothing else, just that. Apparently he had seen an Arby’s off in the distance. He didn’t ask to stop or start any conversation. He just yelled that out and never said another word about it. That boy always keeps us laughing LOL