Belle Isle State Park - IV Old Lancaster

Waking up on Saturday we decided to head off the campsite and see what we might find in and around the area. To get anywhere you drive down Rt. 3 through Lancaster where we saw the Old Lancaster Jail was open and you could walk through it.  We decided to stop and take a look-seeBuilt in 1820 the old jail was just two rooms on the lower level and another two on the upper level.  Each had a fireplace for warmth and actually were rather large in size. While the rooms only had one window on each side, they are larger than some I have seen in other historic jails. I wanted to find out more about the significance of the jail but a Google search provided very little history about its use and if there is any prominent Virginia history linked to it. I am assuming not as in Virginia anything with historical significance has much information available on the web.Still it was an interesting building that I enjoyed seeing.I hope we always take advantage of the area we are in and explore as this is one if my favorite things to do.