New Holiday Tradition - Neighbors Holiday Meal

Our neighbors and us got together and decided that instead if buying holiday gifts for each other each year we would go out to dinner together to a restaurant we normally didn’t / wouldn’t visit. For this year’s meal we picked the Teppanyaki House in Short Pump. The meal and the company were both wonderful and we are so looking forward to next year’s meal. Wonder where we will head?

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Kit used: A Cold Snap by Kristin Cronin-Barrow

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Fonts used: Bali Sunrise for title, Azo Sans for journal                                                                                        

Created as part of the Sweet Shoppe Designs Summer Shadowbox Challenge Series, Day 23

Snow on the Bluff

We were surprised that the dusting we were suppose to receive overnight turned into a all day snowstorm dumping 6”-7” of beautiful, fluffy snow which for this part of Central Virginia is actually a lot. Since the snow arrived on a weekend we were able to get out take some pictures and just enjoy the wonderful crisp and clear air.


Back Porch - Part II

Back in January I shared exterior photos of our finished screened porch and how happy we were with how it had turned out. It looks like it has always been there. We then set off trying to find all the matching pieces to make it feel like an additional room to our house and I think we have accomplished it.

Thanks to Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, Amazon, Lowes and a few things we had already the interior decor took shape and I just know we will have so many happy times sitting out here, bug free as we go through the years.

River's Bluff

We have been looking for land in the central Virginia area for several months now. Guy is ready to leave the craziness of Northern VA and I love the counties that surround Richmond.  They are rural, less traffic and less stressful.We had already searched Hanover, Caroline and Powhatan endlessly and decided to start looking in King William. We headed out to look at about 8 different properties. None were working for us when we came upon the Rivers Bluff property very much by accident.  Within 5 minutes both Guy and I knew this was the place.  We took pictures, called the listing agent from the property and headed home.I won't go into all the details that transpired with the listing agent, our agent, and the owner as it was really ridiculous but 6 hours after our final offer had expired we got the phone call that the owner accepted the offer.  Soon this property will home, all 9.75 acres of it. 3650066_orig 6269052_orig